Sustainable Development of Nautical Tourism & Enhancement of Small Ports of the Ionian Sea – PORTOLANES / INTERREG V-A GREECE – ITALY 2014-2020 PROGRAMME: Μελέτη υφιστάμενης κατάστασης και ανάπτυξης του ναυτικού τουρισμού # Current situation and development study for nautical tourism

Deliverable 3.2.1. Current situation and development study for nautical tourism

The overall objective of the PORTOLANES project was to enhance cross-border cooperation between Greece and Italy on maritime tourism. More specifically, the project aimed to connect coastal areas with the mainland’s natural and cultural assets, create thematic routes and destination branding, contribute to the upgrade of tourism services and the preservation of natural and cultural assets as key prerequisites for sustainable development.

The report provides a comprehensive overview of nautical tourism’s current situation in Western Greece and includes the mapping and comparative evaluation of the 6 ports selected for promotion and capitalization, of the cultural and environmental resources and the tourism infrastructure of the area as well as a SWOT analysis.

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