Innovative Instruments for the Preservation and Promotion of Cultural Heritage in the Cross-Border Area – TOURISM-e / INTERREG V-A GREECE-BULGARIA 2014-2020: Development of a common marketing strategy for tourism development (Part B – Preparation of marketing plan)

Deliverable 3.2.1. Development of a common marketing strategy for tourism development (Part B – Preparation of marketing plan)

The overall objective of the TOURISM-e project is to integrate information, products and services concerning sites related to the cultural heritage from projects that have already been implemented in the cross-border area of Greece and Bulgaria through cooperation between the central tourism policy bodies in the two countries and the creation of a new central platform. 

The study focuses on the design and implementation of a marketing plan to promote the actions and deliverables of the TOURISM-e project. More specifically, it includes a marketing strategy, actions for tourism promotion and a detailed program of tourism promotion, potential markets, targets and segment markets, an evaluation of promotion and support channels, instructions for the development of a destination management system and its support through new technologies as well as an implementation timetable, a proposed budget and a guide to monitor and evaluate the actions undertaken and the implementation of the marketing strategy. 

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