“Rodos Week” platform officially launched

The “Rodos Week” platform is now active on vouchers.gov.gr. – The phase of applications and voucher issuance for registered beneficiaries in financial support for their stay in Hospitality Hotels in Rhodes has begun.

Joint Press Release from Ministries of Tourism, Digital Governance, and Economy and Finance

As of 10-04-2024 until 26-05-2024, citizens, regardless of nationality, who were residing in hotels that were evacuated during the forest fires in Rhodes in July 2023, and who have been registered in the relevant Beneficiaries’ Registry of the Ministry of Tourism, can now apply for financial assistance through the Initiative “Granting financial aid to support tourism on the island of Rhodes” on vouchers.gov.gr. (Rodos Week EN | Vouchers.gov.gr).

The “Rodos Week” initiative is implemented after the signing of a Joint Ministerial Decision (No. 3898, Greek Government Gazette B’ 1398 of 01-03-2024, as amended by No. 5358, Greek Government Gazette B’ 1895 of 26-03-2024) by the Ministers of Tourism, Olga Kefalogianni, Digital Governance, Dimitris Papastergiou, and the Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance, Athanasios Petralias.

After the successful completion of all the individual stages specified in the above JMD and the announcement of the relevant Public Invitation on 10-04-2024, individuals registered in the Beneficiaries Registry can apply for the issuance of an e-voucher to stay in hotels of their choice from those registered in the relevant Hospitality Hotel Business Registry of the Ministry of Tourism.

In specific, beneficiaries can secure a free stay of seven (7) consecutive days (six/6 nights) in Rhodes in a hotel of their choice, among those hotels participating in the action, during one of the following two periods:

• 1st Period – Spring (from 10-04-2024 to 31-05-2024)

• 2nd Period – Autumn (from 01-10-2024 to 15-11-2024)

The hotel compensation amounts, for the beneficiaries’ free stay, are defined as follows:

• For 1-, 2-, 3-star hotels and up to triple room type, €300 for the entire stay.

• For 1-, 2-, 3-star hotels and above triple room type, €400 for the entire stay.

• For 4- and 5-star hotels and up to triple room type, €400 for the entire stay.

• For 4- and 5-star hotels and above triple room type, €500 for the entire stay.

Depending on the hotel type and the room category beneficiaries were staying in during the period of the fires, the respective stay can be selected from the list of Hospitality Hotels. It is noted that, while selecting a hotel, hotel availability will be considered, so as not to exceed the hotel’s specified availability for the corresponding period. Access to the contact details of the Hospitality Hotels is provided on the relevant platform for beneficiaries to confirm availability with the establishment for the desired period and arrange further details of their stay.

The “Rodos Week” initiative is implemented by the National Infrastructures for Research and Technology (GRNET), a Body of the Ministry of Digital Governance, and is funded by the regular budget of the Ministry of Digital Governance.

A detailed guide in the form of FAQs can be found at Rodos Week EN | Vouchers.gov.gr, while for any further questions or assistance, queries can be submitted via an online form, and/or the Rodos Week Helpdesk can be contacted at +30 215 215 78 22 (opening hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 – 17:00).

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